A bit about me...
I believe that the design industry has the potential to make a positive and meaningful impact on the environment, culture, economy and society. I want to be able to work on a multitude of projects that have nuanced critical engagements with society. I think as a designer it is crucial to take the steps towards designs that are oriented to the future.Graduating from the Bachelor of Design at IE University Madrid 2022.
︎Currently in Madrid
My values:
HUMAN FUTURE ︎ Keeping in mind that our designs live in an ecosystem that shall progress into the future. It is important to work towards sustainable futurePERPETUAL CURIOSITY ︎ Unafraid to go against the current and take risks, craving for adventure and exploration of the wider world.
FLEXIBILITY ︎ Observe the design activity and work with an iterative process. Working well with critiques and constantly developing a project
INTERDISCIPLINARY ︎ Navigate our multilateral society embodying the interactions between people and the world, to gain the capability to solve complex problems.
Design Excellence Award 2021Design Studio III & Design Studio IV