The future of design for me is interdisciplinary and is intrinsic to my design approach; creating engaged, adaptive designs for a life centered future.

Keeping in mind that our designs live in a larger interconnected ecosystem that shall progress into the future



The future of design for me is interdisciplinary and is intrinsic to my design approach; creating engaged, adaptive designs for a human future. 

Keeping in mind that our designs live in an ecosystem that shall progress into the future. 




01 MINZOVSK: Branding a Dictatorship

Strategic // Graphic 

One of the most distinct branding is that of countries. Each country has recognizable traits that encompass any brand; creating rules, values, references, colours and many other things for people to associate with the ‘brand’. Branding is the creative process of conveying that identity in a way that is unique and different from the rest.

The stages we followed to brand our country was: Discover, Define and Design. Through this exercise we were able to put into practice the technical and strategic skills required to create a brand from the ground up.

"Our country is Minzovsk, located in the Bering Sea, between Russia and Alaska. Our beloved country was formed by our incredible ruler Vladimir Minzovski I in 1945 by capturing the land from native Inuits and beating the Soviet Union Army. By order of our absolute irrefutable ruler, we obey the strict social order to be indestructible. Every citizen must follow orthodox Christianity only.”


We developed a strong foundation of the country’s ethos in order to build open a strong identity. Key attributes: Strict social hierarchy, Ostentatious “showoff”, Brute-force, Omnipotent, Conservative, Indestructible.

Visual System

Based on a head strong block system composed of the colors of the country. Black: the color representing the strength of omnipotent Minzovsk. White: the land we have taken command over. Yellow: represents our rich history and fondness of the times of Russian imperialism.

Year: 2019
Project Collaborator: Monica Pastor Mayo

Hi it's Naqiya I am always looking
to get in touch with new people
and opportunities :)