The future of design for me is interdisciplinary and is intrinsic to my design approach; creating engaged, adaptive designs for a life centered future.

Keeping in mind that our designs live in a larger interconnected ecosystem that shall progress into the future



The future of design for me is interdisciplinary and is intrinsic to my design approach; creating engaged, adaptive designs for a human future. 

Keeping in mind that our designs live in an ecosystem that shall progress into the future. 




03 SHARED GREENS: Co-growing Sustainable Agriculture

Strategy // Research // Systems

We are currently living in times of a global sustainability crisis. We are at a turning point where the decisions we as a society make are crucial to ensure that we and the generations to come can live a prosperous future. Our food system is failing by the decisions we have made to produce and consume for a market demanding ever increasing globalisation. At the current state of unsustainable mass production for globally consumed produce we need to ask ourselves how much longer will the current food system meet the food demands of the future

‘Shared Greens’ is here to make changes and address the sustainability crisis of the food industry. We are a co-growing space that practices farming as a service. We do this through the establishment of an accessible and centred premises where our users have access and are provided with the opportunity to grow their own food.

This is born out of the demand from consumers to be less dependent on large supermarket corporations, gain control over what they eat, and attain a more sustainable lifestyle. The company is a development of a new innovation in the combination of the field of sustainable agriculture practices and the sharing economy. The mission of the company is to create a community that works to produce sustainable food.

Customer Propositions 

Shared Greens Members and Partners are part of our co-growing space. They are provided access to our resources for urban farming with the potential opportunity for economic gain; in return for a fee. Shared Greens’ Restaurant Clients are part of our practice of farming as a service. They are provided with low carbon footprint and sustainably produced foods at a fair price in return for a subscription. Shared Greens’ Non-Community Members are part of our marketplace. They have access to consume fresh, healthy and sustainably grown produce; which they can buy easily. These are the overall services that are provided as our key proposition in order to gain revenue.

The essence of Shared Greens

The company is a development of a new innovation in the combination of the field of sustainable agriculture practices and the sharing economy. The mission of the company is to create a community that works to produce sustainable food.

Our strategy is to utilise hydroponic technologies and steer completely away from the depleting tendencies of traditional agriculture practices. Shared Greens is going to bring the produce locally and directly to the consumer.

Details of the Shared Greens Ecosystem operating:

The KPI Dashboard was designed to be used on iPads located around the premise of Shared Greens. Partners working on the restaurant orders are required to be able to monitor the state of the produce at all times. Additionally the dashboard includes the feature to directly upload the harvest on the market place.

If a user would need to deactivate their account at Shared Greens, whether it is temporary or permanent. In this case, we provide them with a cumulative report of their impact, and a summary of their achievements at Shared Greens.

Year: 2021
Project Collaborators: John Huth and Irene Delgado

Hi it's Naqiya I am always looking
to get in touch with new people
and opportunities :)