Exponential growth in program features available has made it crucial to be able to wield these features efficiently. Create an outcome that is technically and visually aesthetic but also un-reproducable by any other tool.
An image is loaded within the java based code. The code has seekers that translate the image into strokes. These seekers move in random motion continuously while also sometimes drawing the path of the image. Furthermore there is a randomizer added for the stroke color to change depending on the mouse location. It translates the pixel location to the RGB numbers.
The poster are called "Programmed Cells". I wanted to draw upon the idea of working with a programing language to code a certain outcome just like the actions of the cells within our body are programmed to behave a certain way. looking at the whole earth through a cellular approach with its intricate details.
CINEMA 4D ![]()
Trying to utlise the digital tool in a way to evoke an ethereal fealing that is unique to at motion modelling tool like Cinema 4D, therefore iused the grass tools which is a defning character of the software. I added wind simulations, growth and a continuous rotating movement.I wanted to continue the organic subject matter and work with the concept of the passage of time and decay, the beauty within its natural process and textures that it creates: “Cyclical Decay”. This piece looks at the rhythmic growth and decay of life. It is a process that everything goes through. The earth is in a constant state of decay and regrowth at different stages . I wanted to the highlight that we are living on rock floating in space that encapsulates a multitude of ecosystems and that is in a constant state of change. We don’t know that the futures that will be developed it is in constant flux.
Year: 2021